Singer James Blunt has rightly been lauded for
the brilliant way he communicates via Twitter. Far from shying away from so-called
‘trolls’ he actively embraces them, with replies such as this particular
favourite of mine:
@hettjones: James Blunt just has an annoying face and a highly
irritating voice
@JamesBlunt: And no mortgage.
Much has been made of Blunt’s wit and clever
self-deprecation, but there is actually a valuable lesson for business
communicators here. Most people prepare
for a presentation by putting high focus on the message they want to
get across and the means (mostly technological) by which they are going to do
that. These people have already made a fundamental mistake, because the first
thing you need to think about is your audience: Who are they are? What do they
already know? What do they think? What are their beliefs and prejudices? etc,
etc. Only when you have addressed
questions such as these can you really start to craft your message in a way
that will engage your audience.
The classic example of failing to think first
about the audience was when Tony Blair addressed the Women’s Institute. One of the most successful communicators of
the modern age, who happened also to be the Prime Minister, ended up being slow
handclapped. The reason was very simple
– he delivered his usual political message without any proper regard for the
make up of his audience. And yet, had he sought a briefing from an appropriate
adviser, he could probably have delivered fundamentally the same speech; it
just needed to be tilted in the direction of his specific audience on that day.
James Blunt focuses on his audience in two
ways. First, he engages directly the
person attacking him. Second, he uses his
ripostes – knowing them to be witty and highly shareable – to address an image
problem he has been experiencing with the wider public. And of course, it just
so happened that he had a new album ready for release. How much better is it going to be received when thousands
of people are discussing James Blunt in a new, much more positive light?
So, engaging directly with your detractors is a
risky strategy that is not necessarily to be recommended. But you are never going to truly engage an audience unless you have first worked out - however painful the process may be - what is already going on in their heads about you and the topic of your talk.
Blunt just came onstage at Hop Farm. Had to step on a few toes, but we've
managed to fight our way to the back.
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